In the event of a crisis or emergency, please contact emergency services (000) without hesitation. If you require additional support, please see below for a list of mental health support services to assist you.

Alcohol & Drug Addiction:
Alcoholics Anonymous – 02 9799 1199
Alcohol & Other Drugs Information Service (ADIS) – 1800 422 599
Drug & Alcohol Specialist Advisory Service (DASAS) – 1800 023 687
Family Drug Support – 1300 368 186
Methadone Advice and Conciliation Service (MACS) – 1800 642 428
Domestic Violence:
Domestic Violence Crisis Line – 1800 65 64 63
Eating Disorders:
The Butterfly Foundation – 1800 33 4673
Family Services:
Relationships Australia – 1300 364 277
Child Protection Help Line – 13 21 11
Anglicare Campbelltown – (02) 4228 9612
Baptist Care Family and Relationship Counselling – (02) 4624 8700
Benevolent Society – 1800 236 762
Catholic Care – (02) 4254 9395
Mission Australia – 0439 260 721
Financial Support:
Financial Counselling Australia – 1800 007 007
Gambling Addiction:
Gambling Help Online – 1800 858 858
Grief & Bereavement:
Australian Centre for Grief & Bereavement - 1800 642 066
Health Emergency Services:
Ambulance/Police/Fire – 000
Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick – 9382 1111
HealthDirect Australia – 1800 022 222
Poisons Information – 13 11 26
Homeless Persons:
Homelessness Australia – 02 6247 7744
Indigenous Support:
Indigenous Professional Support Unit – 1800 110 869
Telephone and Crisis Support Counselling:
Lifeline – 13 11 14
Mental Health Line – 1800 011 511
Beyond Blue – Depression & Anxiety – 1300 224 636
Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800
Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
MensLine Australia – 1300 789 978
Sexual Assault, Family and Domestic Violence Line – 1800 424 017
Black Dog Institute – (02) 9382 4530
Veterans & Veterans Families – 1800 011 046